Each season lasts 28 days. The game begins on the first day of spring.
160 spring 160 summer 160 fall and 160 winter.

Three major wyoming rivers the salt river the greys river and the snake river meet near alpine junction at palisades reservoir numerous towns are located in the valley including.
The random event can occur as long as the player owns a big or deluxe coop that is not full.
Years are tied to a few events but there s no limit on the number of years which can be played.
A villager s daily routines may.
The witch will fly over the coop during the night and leave a void egg inside.
After completing a cycle of seasons the game moves forward one year when spring starts again.
The void egg is an animal product obtained from a void chicken.
There are seven different farm maps to choose from in stardew valley.
There are four seasons in stardew valley.
Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game and cannot be changed once selected.
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